The advantages of SLA 3D printing with 3DPROD

What is SLA stereolithography ?
Stereolithography, often abbreviated to SLA, is a 3D printing method that uses photopolymerization to create three-dimensional objects from a UV-reactive resin. This resin is progressively solidified by a laser, layer by layer. This method offers some of the highest print quality among current printing technologies.
Stereolithography is used in many industrial sectors for the production of functional parts, demonstration prototypes and models.
It is particularly useful in industries that demand high precision and surface quality, as well as those requiring the production of parts with complex geometries or requiring large-scale production.

The advantages of Stereolithography
The advantages of stereolithography 3D printing are numerous. This technology enables objects to be created with great precision and resolution, with very fine details and smooth surfaces that are easy to paint.
Mainly used for the creation of aesthetic demonstration parts, it offers the possibility of creating complex, one-piece parts (via the use of "supports" during printing) of up to 2 meters in length (car shells, dashboards, household appliances).
These support structures are necessary to allow overhangs to be printed, and our teams hand-rinse, sand and harden the supports post-printing.

ABS type resin (SLA)
Resin type PP (SLA)
Resin type PA (SLA)
PC type resin (SLA)

Your quote in minutes
Choose the technology, the material, the finish and get your quote instantly via our online platform.
1. Import your CAD file
Upload your 3D file (.stl, .obj, .wrl, .step (.stp), .iges (.igs), .3mf, .dxf or .zip (with models and textures) file not exceeding 100 Mb
2. Choose 3D technology and materials
Choose technology, materials and finishes and order online.

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